Abstract: Glas is a generic library that provides easy to use operations on dense and sparse vectors and matrices. Like many numerical libraries, glas uses expression templates for performance reasons. Additionally glas provides a mechanism to automatically dispatch expressions to vendor-tuned third-party libraries (backends) like BLAS, VSIPL++ etc. To make these expressions as intuitive as possible in a wide range of domains (linear-algebra, DSP, ...) toolboxes are built on top of the core-library that implement domain-specific conventions.
The GLAS core contains expressions (these are objects), functions to create and evaluate expressions, backends for the implementation of the evaluation of expressions, views, and containers. Each backend may have additional concepts for efficient evaluation.
Through the use of expression templates, expressions are prevented from being evaluated pairwise. Every expression induces the creation of an object that allows to compute the whole expression without any (non-scalar) temporaries. For example:
dense_vector<double> v(5), w(5) ; scalar_vector_mult( vector_norm_2(v), w ) ;The second line in the code-snippet above creates the object
scalar_vector_mult_expression< vector_norm_2_expression< dense_vector<double> >, dense_vector<double> >
There are 2 ways to trigger the object to evaluate the expression:
dense_vector<double> y(5), v(10), w(5) ; assign(y, scalar_vector_mult( norm_1(v), w ) ) ;
dense_vector<double> v(5),w(5) ; std::cout << scalar_vector_mult( norm_1(v), v )[3] << '\n' ;
For instance the assignment in following code snippet
dense_vector<double> v(10), w(10) ; plus_assign<blas>(v, scalar_vector_mult( 3.0, w ) ) ;dispatches the evaluation to the BLAS
function call.
dense_vector<double> v(10) ; mult_assign<vsiplpp>(v, 3.0 ) ;dispatches the evaluation to a VSIPL++
However not all expressions are supported by all backends.
Adding a vector of integers to a vector of doubles is not supported
dense_vector<double> v(10) ; dense_vector<int> s(10) ; plus_assign<blas>(v, s ) ;and thus the glas-expression-evaluation will be used as a fallback. However adding two sparse matrices is neither supported. A more intelligent BLAS-backend might however rely on BLAS-calls to perform the requested operation.
v * w
, where
and w
are both vectors, can be
interpreted as a inner-product (or dot product), as an elementwise product
or an outer product.
Therefore glas is split in a core library and multiple toolboxes.
Toolboxes are intendent to improve the convenience and ease-of-use while the syntax of the core-library interface is less intuitive but more explicit.
Relying on an assign
function for instance instead
of on the assignment operator allows to specify an
assignment-policy. For instance when assigning a sparse
matrix to another sparse matrix the assignment-policy can allow the
structure of the LHS to be modified or not.