The concepts
The collection concepts are similar to the STL container concepts.
The major difference however is that collections do not necessarily 'own' their
elements. Thus the lifetime of their elements can exceed the
lifetime of the collection. If the lifetime of the collection
exceeds the lifetime of the elements, using the collection (except
destructing the collection) results in undefined behaviour.
The collections are a family of basic concepts that will be
inherited from by all containers, views and adaptors. Due to this
(conceptual) inheritance, algorithms that only require
functionality implemented by these concepts can be reused on
containers, views and adaptors.
Relation between lifetime of the collection and its
Collections are not required to know about the lifetime of their
elements. So they might not be aware that the lifetime of their
elements have expired. Some collections might however prevent such
a situation by using shared pointers for instance to the container
of the elements. Others might use weak pointers to be able to know
if the lifetime of the elements have expired or not.
Relation to Structure concept
The difference lies in that a Structure
does not have numeric values, only structional information.
The concepts, including their member types and member functions
are very similar.